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“Unit6 Happy Birthday  B let’s learn”教学设计


本节课主要学习数字sixseveneightnineten,让学生能听、说、会读这些数字。在日常生活中我们经常和数字打交道,再加上对one two three four five的学习,很多同学已经会说sixseveneightnineten,所以教师在本节课教学时侧重对这些数字的巩固训练上,给孩子创设更多的真实场景让他们在听说的活动中学会单词、运用单词。


本节课中Let’s learn部分学生已有对数字one two three four five的认知水平,本节课在此基础上加深学习sixseveneightnineten,围绕本节课新授单词,穿插一些活动,让学生在活动中学会单词、运用单词,学生也能听懂一些指令语并作出相应的动作。


1.  能听、说、认读610数字的英文单词。

2.  能听懂Let’d do 中的指令性语言,并按照指令做出相应的动作。


五、教学难点:听懂Let’s do 中的指令性语言,并根据指令熟练做出相应的指令。




1. Listen and chant

JumpJumpJumpOne, two, three!

JumpJumpJumpThree, two, one!

Four and five!  Four and five!

Jump up high!  Jump up high!

Five! Four! Three,two,one!

Jump! Jump! Its so fun!

2.Free talk

1):Hello!/ Hi

2):Goodmorning/Good afternoon

3): What’s your name? My name’s….

4):Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too


6):What’s this? It’s a/an ….

7)How many eyes/... do you have? Two/....

【设计意图】通过唱歌、Pair work活动,调动学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使学生轻松、愉快地进入角色,投入到新课的学习中去。

1Teach the new  wordssixseveneightnineten


教师在和学生对句型How many ...互动时收集学生的英语书,边收边让学生说15的英语,当教师收到第六本时问:

T How many English books?

Ss: Six.

T : G reat!  You are right. I have six English books , now .


Practice in pairs.

A : How many s?

B : Six.

(2) Teach seven


T : Wow !cats !. How many ? Let’s count.

Ss :  one two three four five six ..., 当数到7时,教师出示单词卡片带读,然后以开火车、男女生、指名读等方式认读这个单词,最后课件出示这个单词学生拼读,教师板书。

Practice in pairs.

A:Wow! Cats!

 B : How many?

Aone , two , three, four, five , six , seven ,seven cats.

(3) Teach eight

T : Look, mother cat is coming. How many cats now ? 学生可能会说8点了,也有可能会说“eight”并用以上同样的方式对这个单词学习、巩固。

T: Play a funny game eight to five

Ss: Ok.

Practice : (       )  +   (         )  = eight

(       ) and (         )  is eight.

(4)Teach nine

T : Now four and five is eight,right?

Ss : No , four and five is nine.

以指名读、齐读、开火车读、拼读等方式对这个单词进行巩固训练。并在此学习“Show me nine .

Practice in pairs.

A: How old are you ?

B : I m nine years old.

(5)Teach ten

T: Are you nine?

S1: yes,I ‘m nine years old


S3: No, I’m ten years old.

Practice in pairs.

A : Are you nine?

B : Yes , Im nine years old./

      No , Im ten years old.


2 利用幸运大转盘巩固6—10这五个词。

4Let’s learn

(1)             出示Let’s learn的视频课件,学生理解并跟读、模仿。

(2)             教师带读Let’s talk,小组内操练、表演。

(3)             Let’s do

Step3、巩固与拓展延伸(Consolidation and extension

(1)  Read some numbers


公安报警:110    医疗救助:120

火警:     119          查号台:114

This is my phone number:


This is my QQ number:



(2)              Listen and circle


(3)              Read and tick or cross


(4)   Listen a story and answer a question.

How old is Zoom?

Step4:Make a new dialogue


Step5Enjoy a song Ten little candles


1.Listen and read “Let’s learn”.

2.Say your mother and fother ‘s telephone number.